Friday 22 April 2011

Phoenix rising

Well after almost exactly a year of silence I have summoned up the will to restart my Blog. I thought of renaming it Phoenix rising but the name has already been taken so I'll have to stick with the one I've got.

I don't really intend to bore everyone with all that has gone on and the multitude of reasons for not writing. Suffice to say I think i had my version of a mid life crisis and this is part of my way of coming out of the end of long dark tunnel.

Much of the past year has been spent being angry. Really angry. Angry at the Tory Government for decimating social housing in Britain and in the process decimating my career. Angry that the recession has stripped me of any real alternative to my current career. Angry at turning 50. Angry that at my boss for being such a poor boss. Angry at not losing weight. Just angry. Too angry to write anyway.

I think the turning point came on my birthday. A birthday I really didn't want. A celebration I really didn't want. Much to my surprise Sonya organised a very thoughtful day (well actually a couple of days) and confined the teasing to quite gentle levels. I was very touched and I think that was the start of the road back.

I guess more might come out over the coming weeks but that will probably do for now.

As Paul Newman says at the end of the Colour of Money "I'm back"

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you back blogging Phil - and glad you're coming out of your funk - we all get them and they usually pass - LOL. It will be "fun" to have your commentary on life - we've missed it. Are you doing a "wedding" special - hahahahaha
